The PTC customer Portal is now available here.


Click on any of the items below to download the documents (PDF format).

Operations Docs

Proficiency Testing Canada By-LawG011.0
Privacy CodePOL021.3
Terms and Conditions of PT ParticipationPAR011.2
PT SchemePAR031.4
PT SubcontractorsPAR051.2
Accessibility PolicyPOL031.0
Code of EthicsPOL061.3
Publicity PolicyPOL071.1
Complaints, Appeals and FeedbackPROC031.3
PT Evaluation ProceduresPROC092.7
PTC Customer Portal OverviewPAR061.0
PT Regression EquationsPROC111.3

Request more information

If you are interested in acquiring Proficiency Testing for your organization, send an email to